How to Cope with Quarantine Fatigue

Larry Muller
Oct 22, 2020

How to Cope

Coping with these feelings is possible, fortunately. First, remember that you’re not alone, and this is an extraordinary year-global pandemics don’t happen often, and most people aren’t feeling their best. Let yourself off the hook and remind yourself that it is OK and natural to feel bad when bad things happen.

Beyond this, experts recommend exercising when you can, practicing mindfulness and gratitude, and talking about how you’re feeling. Holding those feelings and thoughts inside only makes them worse, and talking, even if it’s just with a family member or a close friend, can help you find some relief. Don’t hesitate to talk to a professional therapist or counselor if you feel like you need more structured, intensive support.

It can also help to limit your exposure to social media and the news to just once or twice a day if possible. Constant bombardment with negative news about the pandemic can be exhausting, and cutting out that 24/7 cable news coverage or “doom-scrolling” on social media can help. Find hobbies you can enjoy and stay connected with family and friends. It may be some time yet before we comfortably find a “new normal.”

Originally published at on October 22, 2020.



Larry Muller

As chief operating officer at Code and Theory, Larry Muller draws upon four decades of executive sales, entrepreneurship, and business management experience.